MiV/Masked Invader/Mevik

Played by: Dann (footage deleted), Chris
Movies: Forgotten Past

RebellionSilver EnemyForgotten PastShadows
The Masked Invader originally tried to enter the Ductorian alliance by posing as a new recruit and under the ame MiV. His identity was found out and he was later defeated by Dantin. Years later, the Emperor brought him back, but he escaped and joined the Ductorians for good under the name of Mevik.

DCJ's use of Duct Wars is strictly educational and not-for-profit. All movies were meant as a basis to test filming techniques and technology, as well as having some fun. DCJ acknowledges the many similarities between Duct Wars and Starwars, and takes no ownership for 'sabers' or similar names used.