Quarkzarian Leader
Played by: Katherine M
Movies: The Silver Enemy
Quarkzarian Millitrary Representative
Played by: Amy
Movies: The Silver Enemy
Quarkzarian Representative
Played by: Amy
Movies: The Rebellion
Rou-sha Laurnn
Played by: Mike E
Movies: Midnight Shadows
The Quarkzarians are an alien race that help out the Ductorians from time to time. Other
Quarkzarians include Gothatar and Rou-sha Laurn.
DCJ's use of Duct Wars is strictly educational and not-for-profit. All movies were
meant as a basis to test filming techniques and technology, as well as having some fun.
DCJ acknowledges the many similarities between Duct Wars and Starwars, and takes no ownership
for 'sabers' or similar names used.