The scene opens with three rich people playing a game of poker.
Theo Folio: Count your money boys, cause your gonna loose it, you gonna loose it all. Listen here guys,
you understand what life is all about? eeehhnn Takes a sip from a glass mmmmmmmmmmm
You ready to begin?
Shane Blair: I believe so
Theo: Standard rules, five cards a player, dueces wild.
Theo deals out their cards
Theo: Good luck, because you'll need it. Because I'm going to beat you! I'm gonn take all your money.
Shane: You always say that and you always loose, quit dissapointing yourself.
Theo: Looks at cards and has two aces and three 8's Ohhhh yeaahh.
Shane: Looks at cards and has a royal flush
Manchestor: Looks at cards and has a 7, 2, 9, 4, and a Jack. Switches them around looking for a combination,
and finally throws them away.
Manchestor takes a sip from his glass and a stack of cards falls from his hat, which he quickly scoops up.
Shane: Let's start this off with...a thousand.
Manchestor: I see you your thousand, and raise you....5 thousand.
Theo: We'll make this more interesting...we'll bring this up to around, say...one million dollars.
Manchestor: You must be very confident.
Shane: Crikey
Theo: I'm very confident
Shane: It's a lot of money, are you sure about this?
Theo: Ooohh yes
Shane: You wouldn't be bluffin again would you?
Theo: Nooo, it's all there. I'm gonna beat you boys back to school.
They show their card hands
Theo: Full house, 8's over aces, read 'em and weep.
Shane: Well Theo it looks like you lost your money. I've got a royal flush. See if you can beat that.
Manchestor: Well, I got six aces. Scoops up money
Shane: Well manchestor, it looks like you've won again.
Theo: I loose again, I loose again!
Shane: No sense in throwing temper tantrums, shall well play again.
Theo: Yeah, shall we play again
Manchestor: No, I grow tired of playing this game.
Shane: No?
Theo: Shall we bet more money?
Shane: That sounds like a good idea
Manchestor: No, I have another idea.
Theo: More money?
Manchestor: Noooo,
Shane: You've spent all your money already.
Manchestor: It's an entirely new game.
Theo: More money?