Arched Hooktip - Hodges#6251
(Drepana arcuata)
Scalloped Sack-bearer - Hodges#7659
(Lacosoma chiridota)
Orange-tipped oakworm moth - Hodges#7719
(Anisota senatoria)
Regal Moth - Hodges#7706
(Citheronia regalis)
Polyphemus Moth - Hodges#7757
(Antheraea polyphemus)
Snowberry Clearwing - Hodges #7855
(Hemaris diffinis) adult
Hummingbird Clearwing - Hodges#7853
(Hemaris thysbe)
Boxwood Leaftier - Hodges#5552
(Galasa nigrinodis)
Mournful Thyris - Hodges#6077
(Thyris sepulchralis)
Spotted Peppergrass Moth - Hodges#4794
(Eustixia pupula)
Celery Leaftier - Hodges#5079
(Udea rubigalis)
Hodges #5160
(Desmia maculalis) adult
Acorn Moth - Hodges #1162
(Blastobasis glandulella) adult
Cosmopterix Moths
(Cosmopterix sp.)
Ailanthus Webworm Moth - Hodges #2401
(Atteva punctella) adult
Tiger Moth
(Apantesis sp.)
Banded Tiger Moth - Hodges#8170
(Apantesis vittata)
Isabella Tiger Moth - Hodges #8129
(Pyrrharctia isabella) caterpillar
Banded Tussock Moth - Hodges#8203
(Halysidota tessellaris)
Silver-spotted Tiger Moth - Hodges#8209
(Lophocampa argentata)
Hickory Tussock Moth - Hodges#8211
(Lophocampa caryae) caterpillar
Virginian Tiger Moth - Hodges#8137
(Spilosoma virginica) caterpillar
Large Yellow Underwing - Hodges#11003.1
(Noctua pronuba) caterpillar
Splendid Dagger - Hodges#9226
(Acronicta superans)
Eight-spotted Forester - Hodges#9314
(Alypia octomaculata)
Green Leuconycta - Hodges#9065
(Leuconycta diphteroides)
The Hebrew - Hodges#9285
(Polygrammate hebraeicum)
White-marked Tussock Moth - Hodges#8316
(Orgyia leucostigma)
Gypsy Moth - Hodges#8318
(Lymantria dispar) Caterpillar
False Underwing - Hodges#8721
(Allotria elonympha)
Mottled Prominent - Hodges#7975
(Macrurocampa marthesia)
Horned Spanworm Moth - Hodges#7010
(Nematocampa resistaria)
Small Engrailed - Hodges#6597
(Ectropis crepuscularia) Caterpillar
Saw-wing - Hodges#6724
(Euchlaena serrata)
Winter Moth - Hodges#7436
(Operophtera brumata) Female
Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth - Hodges#7698
(Malacosoma disstria)
Orange-patched Smoky Moth - Hodges#4639
(Pyromorpha dimidiata)
Tortricid Moth
(Olethreutes sp.)
Banded Olethreutes
(Olethreutes fasciatana)
Black-patched Clepsis Moth - Hodges#3686
(Clepsis melaleucana)
Maple Leaftier - Hodges#3501
(Acleris forsskaleana)
Oak Leaftier Moth - Hodges#3503
(Acleris semipurpurana)
Himmelman's Plume Moth - Hodges#6092
(Geina tenuidactylus)
Banded Hairstreak - Hodges#4282
(Satyrium calanus) caterpillar
44 Records returned
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All images ©2007-2025 Dann Thombs unless otherwise noted.
Educational and non-profit uses of all photos are allowed.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.