Longbodied Cellar Spider
(Pholcus phalangioides)
Elongated Springtail
(Willowsia buski)
Globular Springtail
(Dicyrtomina ornata)
Shore spider
(Pardosa milvina)
Eastern subterranean termite
(Reticulitermes flavipes)
Flat-backed Millipede
(Polydesmus sp.)
Bog Leafhopper
(Helochara communis)
Common Striped Woodlouse
(Philoscia muscorum)
Common Striped Woodlouse
(Philoscia muscorum)
Globular Springtail
(Dicyrtomina ornata)
Slender Springtail
(Orchesella villosa)
Elongated Springtail
(Coecobrya tenebricosa)
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All images ©2007-2025 Dann Thombs unless otherwise noted.
Educational and non-profit uses of all photos are allowed.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.