Common Striped Woodlouse
(Philoscia muscorum)
Delphacid Planthopper
(Muirodelphax atralabis)
Globular Springtail
(Bourletiella arvalis)
Orchard Spider
(Leucauge venusta) juvenile
Red Admiral
(Vanessa atalanta)
Bog Leafhopper
(Helochara communis)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
(Papilio glaucus)
Filmy Dome Spider
(Neriene radiata)
Orchard Spider
(Leucauge venusta) juvenile
Red Admiral
(Vanessa atalanta)
Bog Leafhopper
(Helochara communis)
Filmy Dome Spider
(Neriene radiata)
Fourteen-spotted Lady Beetle
Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil
(Polydrusus sericeus)
Orchard Spider
(Leucauge venusta) juvenile
Potato Leafhopper
(Empoasca fabae)
Red Admiral
(Vanessa atalanta)
Sixspotted Orbweaver
(Araniella displicata)
Zebra Spider
(Salticus scenicus)
Museum Beetle
(Anthrenus museorum)
Longjawed Orb Weaver
Longlegged Fly
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
(Harmonia axyridis)
Brown Harvestman
(Phalangium opilio)
Green Immigrant Leaf Weevil
(Polydrusus sericeus)
Orchard Spider
(Leucauge venusta)

All images ©2007-2025 Dann Thombs unless otherwise noted.
Educational and non-profit uses of all photos are allowed. Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.