(Entylia carinata)
Camel Treehopper
(Smilia camelus)
Three-cornered Alfalfa Hopper
(Ceresa festina)
(Ophiderma sp.)
(Cyrtolobus maculifrontis)
Dog-day Cicada
(Tibicen canicularis)
Red Cedar Spittlebug
(Clastoptera arborina)
Pecan Spittlebug
(Clastoptera achatina)
Angular Spittlebug
(Lepyronia angulifera)
(Aphrophora salicina)
Meadow Spittlebug
(Philaenus spumarius)
Cixiid Planthopper
(Myndus pictifrons)
(Cixius sp.) nymph
Cixiid Planthopper
(Cixius pini)
Derbid Planthopper
(Cedusa sp.)
Two-striped Planthopper
(Acanalonia bivittata) nymph
Acanaloniid Planthopper
(Acanalonia conica) adult
Delphacid Planthopper
(Sogatella kolophon)
Delphacid Planthopper
(Pissonotus brunneus)
Delphacid Planthopper
(Javesella pellucida) adult
Delphacid Planthopper
(Stenocranus brunneus)
Delphacid Planthopper
(Muirodelphax arvensis) early nymph
Delphacid Planthopper
(Muirodelphax atralabis)
Delphacid Planthopper
(Delphacodes puella) adult
Ornate Planthopper
(Liburniella ornata)
Northern Flatid Planthopper
(Flatormenis proxima) adult
Floury Mothbug
(Metcalfa pruinosa)
27 Records returned
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All images ©2007-2025 Dann Thombs unless otherwise noted.
Educational and non-profit uses of all photos are allowed.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.