(Aleyrodidae sp.)
Blackberry Psyllid
(Phylloplecta tripunctata)
Brown Ambrosia Aphid
(Uroleucon ambrosiae)
Large Milkweed Bug
(Oncopeltus fasciatus) adult
Smaller Water Strider
(Microvelia pulchella)
Assassin Bugs
(Reduviidae sp.)
Assassin Bug
(Fitchia aptera)
Assassin Bug
(Rocconota annulicornis) juvenile
Pennsylvania Ambush Bug
(Phymata pennsylvanica) female
Pale Green Assassin Bug
(Zelus luridus) nymph
Eastern Boxelder Bug
(Boisea trivittata) adult
Scentless Plant Bug
(Harmostes reflexulus)
Twice-stabbed Stink Bug
(Cosmopepla lintneriana)
Stink Bug
(Banasa dimiata)
Juniper Stink Bug
(Banasa euchlora)
Spined Stink Bug
(Podisus maculiventris) adult
Leaf-footed Pine Seed Bug
(Leptoglossus corculus)
(Mirinae sp.) nymph
Two-spotted Grass Bug
(Stenotus binotatus)
Tarnished Plant Bug
(Lygus lineolaris)
Rice Leaf Bug
(Trigonotylus caelestialium)
Peanut Burrower Beetle
(Pangaeus bilineatus) adult
Long-necked Seed Bug
(Myodocha serripes)
23 Records returned
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All images ©2007-2025 Dann Thombs unless otherwise noted.
Educational and non-profit uses of all photos are allowed.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.