Baldfaced Hornet
(Dolichovespula maculata)
European Sowbug
(Oniscus asellus)
Northern Red Back Salamander
(Plethodon cinereus)
Spotted salamander
(Ambystoma maculatum)
Northern Mockingbird
(Mimus polyglottos)
(Cixius sp.) juvenile
Citronella Ants
(Lasius sp.)
European Sowbug
(Oniscus asellus)
Four-toed salamander
(Hemidactylium scutatum)
Rove Beetle
(Ocypus nitens)
Smaller Water Strider
(Microvelia pulchella) juvenile
Stone Centipede
(Bothropolys multidentatus)
American Black Duck
(Anas rubripes)
(Bucephala albeola)
Common Eider
(Somateria mollissima)
Harlequin Ducks
(Histrionicus sp.)
Red-winged Blackbird
(Agelaius phoeniceus)
Wild Turkey
(Meleagris gallopavo)
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All images ©2007-2025 Dann Thombs unless otherwise noted.
Educational and non-profit uses of all photos are allowed.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.