Hehe, I was browsing the shugashack and found
this link. I'm really doubt they are a serious web design company,
but it sure is funny to read.
The second and third part
of the DuctWars2 screenplay is up with screencaps as well; the fourth is present but incomplete.
Oh and the debut MDFMK CD came out, and it's awesome, so I strongly suggest getting it. If you like the previous
KMFDM stuff, then you'll probably like this as well. I threw up a review on the CD review page.
It's short and doesn't go into each track, but I've decided it was either the 'jist of it' or can it altogether,
and I already made a logo for the page, so there's no turning back now.
Cdnow.com listing
A 'literature' page is up, right now there's only a text version of the Haunted House Toon,
and a Half-life Theme Story but it might grow.
I put a sims page up, which contains the family pages that are created upon every save game in 'The Sims'.
Lastly, my Surreal Synergy and
Viking were suggested to be entered into a small
art fair, and there is a small cash prize for the winner. Rememeber, art is only as good as the
price it can be sold for.